How To Create AWS RDS MySQL Instance Master Password With CloudFormation

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Recently, I’m working on creating a MySQL RDS instance with CloudFormation template. Although there have been tons of documents from both AWS officials or the community talking about this, I feel there are not many documents diving deep about making MasterUserPassword secure.

When creating a MySQL instance, RDS will create a “master user” with all the permissions needed for managing the database. Disregarding the CloudFormation reference saying MasterUsername and MasterUserPassword are not required, they are required to create a MySQL RDS instance. You will get an error “Property MasterUserPassword cannot be empty” if they’re not provided in the template. It might be okay to put a plaintext password in a temporary template that will be thrown away, but I must be crazy to do that if I’m going to commit the template to any source control system. Also, I’d like to store that password safely at somewhere better than a sticky note.

Here the question comes: how can I specify a MasterUserPassword that is not plaintext and can be stored on AWS? The answer is another AWS service — Secrets Manager.

I’m not going to write up what is already in Secrets Manager’s official documents. Instead, let’s jump to the conclusion that we will need a Secret in Secrets Manager, a KMS key for encrypting and decrypting the secret, and a way to use the Secret when creating the RDS instance.

And here is the CloudFormation template:

    Type: String
    Default: admin
    Description: Database admin user name for MySQL
    Type: AWS::KMS::Key
          - Sid: "Enable IAM User Permissions"
            Effect: "Allow"
              AWS: !Sub arn:aws:iam::${AWS::AccountId}:root
            Action: "kms:*"
            Resource: "*"

    Type: AWS::SecretsManager::Secret
      KmsKeyId: !Ref MySQLSecretKey
        SecretStringTemplate: !Join [ '', [ '{"username": "', !Ref MySQLMasterUserName, '"}' ] ]
        GenerateStringKey: 'password'
        PasswordLength: 16
        ExcludeCharacters: '"@/\'

    Type: AWS::RDS::DBInstance
      DBInstanceClass: !Ref MySQLDBInstanceClass
      DBName: !Ref MySQLDBName
      Engine: "MySQL"
      EngineVersion: "8.0.20"
      MasterUsername: !Ref MySQLMasterUserName
      MasterUserPassword: !Join [ '', [ '{{resolve:secretsmanager:', !Ref MySQLSecret, ':SecretString:password}}' ] ]
      StorageType: gp2
      AllocatedStorage: 20
      AvailabilityZone: !GetAtt PrivateSubnet1.AvailabilityZone
      MultiAZ: False
      Port: !Ref MySQLPort
      DBSubnetGroupName: !Ref MySQLSubnetGroup
      PubliclyAccessible: True
        - !Ref MySQLSecurityGroup

There are some elements that I’d like to explain further in this template:

  1. The secret will be generated as a JSON string like {“username”: “admin”, “password”: “super_secure”}. And RDS will put some other information into this secret as well, like the hostname of the RDS instance, DB name, etc. I can retrieve the password in the AWS console, or do it programmatically by calling API GetSecretValue. But since this is the master user credentials, I won’t be using it anywhere in the application, and it should only be used when I need to manage the DB instance.
  2. In the template of MySQL instance, referencing the secret in Secrets Manager with {{resolve:secretsmanager:SECRET_ARN:SecretString:password}} is the magic ingredient. Please refer to this documentation for some further explanation.

There are some other topics around this template, like associating it with a security group in VPC, automatically rotating the secret, etc. I guess I’ll touch them in later articles then. I hope this article can help you a bit!